Educational Sciences

A Study on Smart Classes Education

Article Number: XGO870555 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
12th Sep, 2018
10th Oct, 2018
19th Dec, 2018
09th Jan, 2019


Mahendra Parmar


In today’s scenario, every individual country is thinking about intensifying the quality of education system. Globalization has caused advancement in technology and digitalization, however education is still out of reach from this digitalization movement. As it be known fact that traditional method of learning has lost its effectiveness which increase the responsibility of the education system to introduce smart education system for gaining student interest and increasing their academic growth. Smart classes is a concept introduced by David many year back but helped the student in making learning more effective and interesting. “Change is the law of nature”, so traditional method of teaching is also changed with new technology of teaching system. In this paper a study has been done on the effectiveness of smart classes in education system and how it help students in improving their reading skills and academic achievement. Keywords: Smart Board, Education Technology,


Earlier, education was solely traditional, old methods were used for teaching purposes but in today, education system has been modified day by day and maximising the learning capabilities of student. Don Knezek, (CEO of the International society for technology) stated that education without technology is just like medicine without tools. Therefore, advancement in education system is very necessary for improving student learning capabilities. Currently, numerous types of technologies are used, few of them are listed below:

• Computerized classrooms

• Blogs and Wikipedia

• Wireless Classroom Microphones

• Mobile Devices

• Interactive Whiteboards

• Digital Video-On-Demand

• Online Media

• Online Study Tools

• Digital Games (Goswami, 2014)

Smart classrooms are basically electronically enhanced lecture theatres and classrooms originated back in 1987, David and Nancy founded SMART. In India EDUCOM was launched in 2004. Basically smart class is technological concept but helpful for contextual awareness, classroom layout and management. SMART stands for Showing, Manageable, Accessible, Real-time Interactive and Testing. 


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APA StyleParmar, M. (2019). A Study on Smart Classes Education. Academic Journal of Educational Sciences, 1(1), 5-8.
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