Nursing and Midwifery Studies

Child Mental Health Disorder and Its Prevention

Article Number: LSU852329 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
01st Sep, 2018
06th Oct, 2018
12th Dec, 2018
22nd Jan, 2019


Astha Vyas, Ganga Sharma


“Mental Health”, the term refers the adjustment of an individual with satisfaction, effectiveness, happiness and socially understanding behavior and has the capability to accept and face the challenges of life. Now these days, both children and adolescent suffer with mental health problem. So, there is need of appropriate tools, services, skills and support to give the contribution as a productive citizens. With improved mental health, it become easy for children to achieve the success at school level. For living in the stable condition and to have the healthy relationships, there is necessary to have the well settled state of mental health and social and emotional well-being. The well mental state also keeps away from jail and the juvenile justice system by their facilities and supports. The psychological state of Children and adolescents have a dissimilar types of disorders i.e., Depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD disorder, eating, mood disorder etc. and these disorder can be diagnosed and treated in different ways which covers a pediatrician or psychologist, to school to the young justice system. For mental disorder, policies and programs help the children who are broken and have lack direction, money follows idiosyncratic rules, and all these prevention programs hard to provide. This paper present to explore the study of mental health among adolescents and about this disorder. Keywords: Mental Health, Adolescents


Mental health is a concept, related to the emotional, social and psychological condition of individual. It has the functions with the satisfaction at the level of passionate and behavioral adjustment because of man’s present in the psychological state. People realize their own potentialities that is available in the mental health which refers the state of well-being through which person is able to handle all the situation of life with harmony. The mental health is defined culturally but generally relates to the pleasure of life, sorrows and sadness, capability to manage with daily stresses, the completion of aim and a sense of connection to others. It is a significant aspect of an individual’s well-being and health in general.

With a degree of mental complexity, children and adolescents are feeling thinking beings that are only now being recognized. The traumas, toxin, genetic disturbance and illness affect the mental health which remains throughout the life. When danger vulnerabilities and factors overshadow or overwhelmed factors that are increase resilience and that are protective and result are found the metal disorder. Mental disorders can be treated by changing the mood, behavior and thinking of person due to which person feel stress free and capable to hold the situation. Child and adolescent psychological disorders apparent themselves in different ways and in many domains.

The prenatal period i.e. conception to birth, childhood i.e. birth to 9 years and adolescence i.e. 10 to 19 years, mental health was seen. It accepts a broad description of child and teen-age mental health: 


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleVyas, A and Sharma, Gnaga. (2019). Child Mental Health Disorder and Its Prevention. Academic Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, 1(1), 7-12
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