Zoological Sciences

Courtship Behavior in Fishes

Article Number: ARY803665 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
03rd Aug, 2018
06th Oct, 2018
13th Dec, 2018
27th Jan, 2019


Parul Sharma


In the present study we have discussed about different forms of courtship behavior in fishes (ichthyes) and the activities through which event is finally leaded to mating. Vital role of courtship behavior in different species, occurs differently. Various kinds of events are performed to judge the ability and performance for the selection of partner before mating. Once the courtship formalities are settle down, female fish is ready to choose its partner. Besides the straightforward tactics few fishes also goes for a backup plans for if in case the female partner ditch the partner chosen. Nest making, zig-zag dance, rolling dance, action of melanophores and swapping sounds are few techniques adopted by fishes in order to establish courtship. Fishes usually goes for four alternatives before establishing the final decision based upon the character of the sexes before mating. Courtship behavior and sexual selection is stronger in female fish comparatively to male fishes. Keywords- Courtship behavior, Fish species, Strategies, Partner, Mating


Courtship is a multifarious traditional of happenings in which animals clues to mating and lots of animals have male-selection courtship customs and the term “Courtship Behavior” states to all interactive connections of male and female which move toward in advance and clue up to the reproduction of eggs through sperms. Female mate choice by way of inclined by the size of the male. “More or less 33,500 species of fish living all over the world” there is a swarm of not the matching performances of courting the opposite sex and all is depend on the performance of the male fish that the female fish selects to either mate or reject the male. Fishes express their need to copulate and challenge them in the performance by fascinate a mate and many male fishes adopted techniques to impress his mate by the tip and turn dance towards the female, zig-zag dance, swimming back and forth in rapid activities among all the performance female keep an eye on the male to nest or male point to the entrance of the nest if the female enter in the nest the male shivers on her tail to stimulate her to spawn. When two males one dull colored large and other bright colored orange were offered to two virgin female typically main stream of the trail female prefer bright orange colored large male. Such as courtship of male choice.

Effect going on courtship involved increases or decreases in the occurrence of displays and courtship duration or presentation of male type behavior by masculinized females then deviations the partition of parental care among the sexes (link.springer.com)

Uncertainty these activities of concentration includes interspecific communication and interaction such as mate choice and courtship, then participating these two tactics be able to expose perceptions into why and how receivers and signalers co-adapted (Sargent et al. 1998)

Few main causes that exposed through conduct this study is sexual choice acts extra powerfully on female than on male and sexual selection is always stronger in female fishes more than male fishes which have controlled to the estimation of both behavioral and morphological female subordinate sexual characters. Which arrange for extra awareness hooked on by what means mate incidences fluctuate between sex characters overturned species.

The creature inside a species necessity reproduce successfully in order for the species to survive and courtship is important because it helps to confirm that social standing will happen.


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APA StyleSharma, P. (2019). Courtship Behavior in Fishes. Academic Journal of Zoological Sciences, 1(1), 1-6.
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