Forestry Sciences

Deforestation- Its Effect and Cause

Article Number: CKQ248196 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
12th Sep, 2018
19th Oct, 2018
24th Dec, 2018
11th Jan, 2019


Chathey Lowang


Government has been focusing on forest since 2011, the year which was known as “The year of Forests” this act has brought huge attention of world towards the forest. Also it was of sheer importance to do so, as constant deforestation has been hampering the condition of mother earth as a whole, the reason for this act is purely materialistic and human dependent but it has been the reason for chaos around the world from long time. In this study our focus is to bring in the light, that what are the reasons for this process, and its direct and indirect impact on world as a whole. Keywords: Tropical Forest, Forestation, Deforestation, Soil Erosion, Effect, Cause.


Forest are essential part of life. They are not merely collection of trees, it is home of 80% of world’s terrestial bio variety. There are many kind of forest such as:

• Tropical

• Temperate

• Boreal

Forests are supposed to be environmental as well as socio-economic resources. More or less 1/3rd of the earth’s entire land is enclosed by forests. Forests are rich in resources, it provides various fuels, drugs etc. It is beneficial indirectly too, it checks soil erosion and facilitate groundwater recharge. It also plays a vital role in nitrogen and carbon cycle.

Discussing type of forest in detail

Tropical Forest

Tropics typically lies between 23ᵒN and 23ᵒ S Latitude it is the area where the sunlight hits the ground at 90ᵒ angel. Due to this high flux of solar energy water evaporation of Tropical Ocean increases which results in increase in process of evapotranspiration of tropical lands, which eventually gives rise in column of warm and moist air over tropical latitudes. Once this air goes under adiabatic cooling. Once the water gets condense, it generates rainfall.


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleLowang, C. (2019). Deforestation- Its Effect and Cause. Academic Journal of Forestry Sciences, 1(1), 19-23.
Chicago Style
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