Management Studies

Stress Management in Workplace

Article Number: KJP604860 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
07th Aug, 2018
05th Oct, 2018
06th Dec, 2018
18th Jan, 2019


Maulesh Patel


In today's modern world life is full with hassles, demands, deadlines and frustration with lot of innovation and competition. The improper equilibrium between personal life and professional life results into tension and stress for longer durations. In modern living stress is unavoidable, for many stress is as common as it became a way of life. Stress is not always bad it may be positive or is normal psychological reaction in which brain identifies the threat of life. In small dose stress can motivate you and help to manage with life challenges. But when your mind continuously running in emergency mode then you have to pay the price. So the management of stress is quite important for long happy lives. The management of stress includes the understanding of psychology behind the stress and finding the way to dealt or reduce the stress. The reduction of stress gave a result of managing the situation in a positive way and have a control on your life. In this paper provides you a brief discussion on stress, origin of stress and management of stress. Keywords: Stress, Management, Positive, organizations


Stress is a biological terminology that mentions the responses which make you feel upset, threatened or fear of failure. It is a normal human reaction to its own situation and surroundings. Stress denotes to the anxiety from the battle amongst us and our external societal surrounding which leads to physical and emotional strain. It is significant due to changing needs of life style and dynamic social factors. In today’s era it is not possible to live without stress whether you are working or a student. Stress is not always negative. It both types positive and negative depending upon the perception of an individual. Sometimes stress are consider as motivator energy on the other side high level of stress have capacity to adversely affect the physical and mental state of a person. If the stress is well managed it can make a person more constructive and productive.

From last few years the drastic changes have been seen on the nature of work and it is still changing so stress at work is a comparatively new occurrence of modern lifestyles. Stress touched almost all the occupations and create a threat to both physical and mental health. The stress related to work consequently affects the performance of individual as well as the health of organization. Job stress is negatively related to the performance of person i.e. higher the stress lower the performance or vice-versa. But this belief is not held to be true assumptions are always there. 


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APA StylePatel. M. (2019). Stress Management in Workplace. Academic Journal of Management Studies, 1(1), 1-6
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