Chemical Sciences

Study on Food Preservation Methods and their Effect on Health

Article Number: UJV342804 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
30th Sep, 2018
22nd Oct, 2018
13th Dec, 2018
07th Jan, 2019


Harneet Kaur


The increasing population have the demand of more food due to which the production is done. But these large amount of food is destroyed by the bacterial such as microorganism growth, fungus etc. These damage is a major loss in the agriculture field. So, there is a need to preserve the food products for a long period of time. From the history, many preservation methods are being used to maintain the quality of food product like thermal preservation. Now, preservation methods have been divided into two parts: natural preservation and artificial preservation. From using these methods, the longevity of the food can be increased. These preservatives help in the preservation of food but also give the adverse effects on the health in the disease like stomach cancer, immune system disorder. This review paper represents the prevention of food by different ways of preservation and also discuss about the adverse effects of them on the human health. Keywords: Microorganism, Natural and Artificial Preservatives, Disease


For the survival on the earth, the needs of body is an essential that is accompanied by the availability and consumption of safe food. A significant role is played by the food and it’s constitutes on human health. Food consumption has no limitation. Certain types of food with excessive consumption such as fat, sugar, and salt can harm the health of human. From the history of human civilization to till date, the safety of food is an important factor. The issue regarding the safety of food was raised after World War II. The spoilage of food is due to the activity of microorganism or many enzymatic reaction in the food during storage. This spoilage starts due to the presence of water, fat, carbohydrate, protein and small amount of organic compound and minerals in the food products. In developing countries, one third population is suffering from the diseases that are transmitted by the food. These diseases are caused by the microbial, physical and chemical factors.

To reduce the food spoilage problem, different methods of food preservation has been induced. Both natural (Pasteurization, freezing and drying) and Artificial (chemical methods) are helpful in the preservation of food. They not only reduce the growth of microbial but also maintain the antioxidant potential which is the need of consumer. The prevention of food or the delay in the food spoilage is done by the use of chemical substances that is a great success in the treatment of these diseases in humans, animal and plants. Different quantity and concentration are used for each preservative to maintain the food quality for reasonable time period.


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How to cite this article?

APA Style Kaur, H. (2019). Study on Food Preservation Methods and their Effect on Health. Academic Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1(1), 19-22.
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