Agricultural Sciences

Study on the Adverse Effects of Agriculture on Environment

Article Number: UXY908002 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
05th Oct, 2018
12th Oct, 2018
24th Dec, 2018
02nd Jan, 2019


A. Elwakil Hassan


It is well known that maximum part of the earth is used in the agricultural field for the production of food. This agricultural field is mostly affected by the environment as it depends upon the natural resources (soil, water, air etc.). In the same way, the agricultural activities also affect the environment because of the need of more production of food (large population). To overcome this problem, farmers use new technologies in which most of the technique give an adverse effect on the environment as the different factors such as chemical fertilizers, use of pesticides, and more irrigation create the problems of land degradation, soil erosion, production of harmful gases, water pollution etc. These problems harms the health of organisms. So, there is a need to reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment by reducing these problems. This review paper gives an idea about how to reduce the impact of agricultural activities on the environment. Government started a scheme of sustainable agriculture through which the impact on the environment can be reduced. Keywords: Chemical Fertilizers, Erosion, Agricultural Activities.


Nature is the beneficial source for humans from the existence as they were dealing with the agricultural events. They have applied various agricultural techniques without any disturbance in the nature for a long time. Various activities, methods and results of the science and technology had a nature disruption attributes. From these results (damage in nature), human being were unaware for a certain period of time. The humans are harming the environment which is not considered because of the renewability features of environment. With the time, the detriments on environment is being increased due to which the renewable capability of the environment is not working.

Nowadays, the growth of the population is increasing continuously due to which the demand of agricultural land for food fiber and fuel is also growing. The disagreeable facts (using of plastic bags) which are followed by the every nation for the development without knowing the environmental impact of degradation and pollution of agricultural lands due to which global environment is changing and has become a challenge to living systems. In reducing the environmental and agricultural land pollutions, both the business sector and the individual consumers plays an important role. The environmental and agricultural land pollution such as waste water and solid waste discharges and energy use are strictly reduced by business sectors over these years along with consumer have increased environmental and agricultural land pollution. The concern of the global community and caring media around the world have been raised due to the negative environmental impacts and agriculture land pollution.

Agriculture and Environment

The intensification of agriculture impact on the environment that indicates the use of unsustainable resources and modern inputs such as chemicals and machinery. The common domains for agriculture are water, soil, air and biodiversity. Due to any detrimental effect on these domains creates an impact on the environment. The change in the climate is the global threat that harms the agriculture, natural eco-system, water supply, health, soil and atmosphere are the component that maintain the sustainability of the life on earth. Many factors such as temperature, rainfall, and extreme weather events related with the climate change affects the crops. 


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleHassan, A. (2019). Study on the Adverse Effects of Agriculture on Environment. Academic Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(1), 24-27.
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