Life Science

Study on Umbilical Cord Blood Banking for Stem Cells and its Associated Therapeutic Uses

Article Number: LEF085603 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
04th Sep, 2018
17th Oct, 2018
12th Dec, 2018
17th Jan, 2019


Durgesh Pandey


In current scenario, number of fatal diseases are increasing drastically which can not be cure by normal treatments. These fatal diseases now can be treated by umbilical cord blood, the richest cause of haematopoietic stem cells. Stem cells have the potency of converting itself into any type of organ specific cells and then forming organ specific tissues therefore helpful in healing the damaging tissues or curing the fatal diseases. The present study is about the process of collecting and banking of umbilical cord blood (UCB)-derived cells. These blood cells are collected and preserved just after the birth of the baby, this procedure is known as Cord blood banking. Due to the involvement of the professional organizations and their published standards, UCB banking has very much improved with the passage of time. Keywords: Stem Cells, Umbilical Cord Blood, Cord Blood Banking, Pluripotent, Therapeutic Uses.


In the world of new findings and around more than 130 million global annual births, Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) is the most plentiful source of the stem cells having the potential of regeneration for clinical significance. It provides effective cure by the spectrum of diseases and mostly used against the blood disorders (Roura et al., 2015). Although the technologies have been advanced in the field of stem cells, still there are many people unaware about the stem cells, and its technologies, developed for the health care worldwide.

Stem Cells

In 1900s, Maximow proposed that the lymphocytes migrated through tissues to form blood circulation components and acted as common stem cells. In 1960s, the research on stem cells cleared its beginning as known today. Stem cells can be defined as the cell having the capacity to divide and make its copy or may transform into any type of cells. Stem cells can be classified as totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent or unipotent depending on its potency. Stem cells can be categorized according to its source of origin that from which tissue it is obtained named as Embryonic Stem Cells, Adult Stem Cells, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Neonatal Stem Cells and Umbilical cord blood stem cells.

The umbilical cord as a source of stem cells

Since 20 years, umbilical cord blood has been used clinically as a source of haematopoietic stem cells transplantation. The embryo attached via connecting stalk to form placenta from the third week of developmental process which transforms into the umbilical cord afterwards. The stem cells can be provided by the umbilical cord through blood running in the umbilical vessels, walls surrounding the vessels and from the Wharton’s jelly, which are collected at the time of birth using sterile collection kit having anticoagulant (usually citrate or heparin) in it (Forraz and McGuckin, 60-62).


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How to cite this article?

APA StylePandey, D. (2019). Study on Umbilical Cord Blood Banking for Stem Cells and its Associated Therapeutic Uses. Academic Journal of Life Science, 1(1), 10-13. 
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