Academic Journal of

Social Sciences

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJSS]

Conflict in Syria: An Overview

by Garima Wadhwa

The cruel battle endures in Syria, millions of individuals remain to be in requirement. Many of them have been killed in the fight between the Assad regime, modest antagonism groups and extremist groups. As the war initiate to improve a personality of a civil war, conferring to experts on the region of Middle East, the international civic has to be very cautious in managing the condition. It may position a danger not only to the instable constancy in the Middle East, with immoderation intricate, it may likely become a thoughtful risk to the international security. If this crisis endures uncontrolled, it could escalate into World War III. This study focused to elucidate the Syrian crisis and examine it in connection to its affects towards the worldwide citizenry. It will also describe some fundamental subjects and converse the best conceivable explanations to discourse it. Keywords: Syria Conflict, Civil War, International, Middle East, Suo Moto

Elements impeding Indo-China Relationship: A Study

by Kamini Rathee

A good history of relation is shared between India and China with a brief economic and social conjunctions. In the world, these two countries are democratic and have the 1/3rd population of world. Both Indian and China experiencing a period of rapid economic growth. On April 1, 1950, a diplomatic relations were setup between India and China. The panchsheel (five principles of peaceful Co-existence) were developed by the two countries in 1954. In spite of having the mutual team work between China and India, the misunderstanding remain exist between both countries and sometime have large issues. The relations between both countries was disturbed after the war in 1962 that led to a serious obstacle in mutual relation. Issues like Doklam, Dalai Lama, water dispute, boundaries issues, triangle with Pakistan and other have emerged between the nations. This makes the Sino-Indian relationship serious which not cover the China and India, but the whole world. The main objective of this study is to highlight the issues which affects the relation of both countries. There are many positive and negative association between the trajectories of bilateral relationship. It would highlight both the unions and deviations and then suggest ways by which the existing deviations can be linked. It would also try to illuminate the authentication for a healthy and positive appointment. KEYWORDS: Panchsheel, Indo-China, Doklam Issue, Dalai Lama

Study on Religious Values and Economic Growth

by Shweta Garttan

The interest in the controversies regarding the role played by religion in society is increasing in the recently passed years. The present review study is about the impact of religion on organizations and financial evolution. Due to the absence of theoretical framework, the practical result of this study cannot be the unambiguous. There is no religion found to be the specific about pro or anti growth. At numerous time periods, the sovereigns try to affect the leading explanation of a religion. In courtesy of a fundamental outcome, proof is increasing from the financial condition to religious explanations while causality is a difficult issue. Keywords: Religion, Economic Growth

Women and Development: A Literature Review

by Arunima Goel

For all the citizens’ introduction to the Indian Constitution decide the country’s highest goal to be justice, fairness, freedom and community. Achieving development requires the attentions of various aspects. Gender equality is now a genuine political claim at local, national and global levels. The role of women’s are high in the progress of society as well as country. But the attentions of various aspects are required for achieving the development of women. The main barriers in most of the developing countries for women growth is education, which inhibits further development and power of judgment and proceed in more inequalities between men and women. The women health and clarification of spiritual beliefs is another cause that legitimates inequities. Crime against women and sex ratio is other main issue which shows barrier in gender and development. Our purpose in this paper is to highlight the main issues and challenges which are barriers in the growth of Gender and development. Keywords: Development, Gender Equality, Sex Ratio, Education

Religious Rituals: An Empowering Mechanism for Risk Reduction (A Study with Special Reference to Pulin Utsav)

by Nirja Singh

The rituals are patterned, repetitive behavior focused on the super-natural realm and the enactment of belief expressed in myth and doctrine. Regularly performed rituals are called periodic rituals. Non-periodic sacraments, on the contrary, occur erratically, at random times, in response to impromptu or unprepared events. This article reveals the role of religious rituals in coping with the sudden events like, flood. In the spiritual beliefs of many native civilizations, humankind is inseparably allied to nature. Torrential rains and river behavior are discussed and communicated, bestowing with the requisite for high-tech cautionary systems. A universal view that sees water principally as a source of life, rather than jeopardy, marks the way residents prepare themselves to palliate with floods. Therefore, there are some non-periodic rituals which are traditionally performed at the time of flood. One of the best examples is Pulin Utsav, which is illustrious only when the Yamuna water arrives in to Gyan Gudri, the village of Vrindavan (Uttar Pradesh, India) on the bank of the river, an occurrence seen once in several years. Thus, the study shows that religion is a crucial force behind the manner a society or community interacts and copes up with an environmental hazard. Key Words: Religious rituals, Periodic rituals, Non-periodic rituals, Indigenous, Environmental hazard

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